Persian Handicrafts

Persian Handicrafts

Iran is the center of civilization and art. This beautiful country encompasses one of the richest world’s art heritage. Persian is considered as the first nations using geometry, mathematics, and even astronomy in their arts and architecture. Iranian people are true artists who are master in all fields such as music, performance, architecture, painting, carpeting, weaving, woodcarving, engraving, inlaid working, pottering, tile working and even writing and calligraphy, etc.

Every part of Iran has its own special handicrafts and arts. In fact, Iran is a rich source of various arts and crafts. Among the most famous and important handicrafts of Iran, the following can be mentioned:

Persian Carpets and Rugs

Carpet or rug weaving can be considered as one of the main handicrafts of Iran which have an influence on the economy of the country. Persian carpets and rugs are famous worldwide. They are certainly the manifestation of Persian culture and art.

Persian Carpets

Persian Carpets and rugs

Persian Rugs

Ghalamkar and Termeh

Ghalamkar is another handicraft. It is a usually cotton fabric patterned by wooden stamps. Termeh is also another handwoven cloth popular in Yazd province. Termeh is considered as a traditional design of Iran. This craft usually is light red, jujube red, green, blue, orange and black.



Wood carvings, Marquetry and Khatam

Among woodworks and wood carvings marquetry or moarragh and inlaid working or khatam can be mentioned. These arts date back to Safavid periods.





Khatam is the Persian technique of inlaying. Khatam is a wooden handicraft decorated with polygonal shapes made out of camel stones and metal.


Persian Inlaying Handicraft-Khatam


Minakari or the art of enamel

Another artwork rooted in Isfahan is Minakari. It is the art of enamel working and decorating with colorful and baked coats. It is divided into enamel painting, chess-like enamel, and cavity enamel. Mina refers to the Azure color of heaven. Furthermore, red, green, black, blue, yellow, etc. are also used in coloring. However, the background and the prominent color is azure.


Pottery is another art. Its history dates back to ancient times. The first earthenware was very simple. However, designing them started from four thousand years B.C. It became delicate and decorated with engraved designs.

pottery-Traditional art in Iran

Tile working

Tile working is also a famous art in Iran that began about 1200 A. D. Most of the Persian structures especially the historical ones were decorated with beautiful tiles representing Persian art. This art also can be considered as an industry.


Tile working in Mosques-Isfahan-Iran


Colorful Window-Nasir-ol-mulk-Shiraz-Iran


As mentioned before, every part of Iran has its own arts and crafts, from working on clothes to working on buildings. You can find Persian handicrafts and souvenirs in traditional bazaars or handicraft markets and shops. To become more familiar with Persian culture and Iranian art and crafts, you should travel to Iran, the land of arts and diverse cultures. But don’t forget to buy souvenirs.


Iranian handicraft making

coppersmith-brass-metal bazar in Iran-persian metal handicrafts



La mine de turquoise de Neyshabur

Sun World, as an Iranian Tour Operator, Welcomes Travelers to Iran through the following cultural tours. In these tours, you will become more familiar with the enriched Persian culture and heritage. You will feel the essence of life in Iran. You can visit many historical places, handicraft workshops, and traditional bazaars full of commodities and touch on a marvelous history and culture.

The Complete Image of Iran Tour Package (27 Days)
Persian Land of Mystery Tour (10 Days)
Persian Empire's Image Tour Package (12 Days)
Holiday Tour Package (11 Days)
Beauty of Iran (10 Days)
Persian Romance (8 Days)

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